
Good to Meet You

In the photo, I am suited and booted. Most of the time I am a jeans and  t shirt person. Surrounded by my wedding photos, I don't know why I like photographs so much. In my teens, I had a subscription to LIFE magazine( a photo journalism magazine), I had stumbled onto a copy and loved it, my love of photos started.

I did not take photographs till many years later. A Pentax ME Super, much love, XXX.

I was born in Brighton. I love the where the sea meets the land, and the Downs, I discovered Greece and gave 10 years of my life as devotion.

I was married to a Kent lady and gave 20 years to that land.

I still have a love of photographs and photographing people.

And now, here I am Brighton.

Dave’s personal photos

about dave



Studio self portrait




Some days are worse than others





and some days …………………




From my time researching large melons


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